What Ivy wants, Ivy gets

Kung Fu style Career Advice

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
If a giant panda can become a mighty kung-fu warrior - so could you. Not kung-fu, but whatever. Ballet dancer, arctic explorer or investment banker.

I can already hear you say,"Hey, that happens only in the movies."

Well, yes and no. Here are some definite takeaways from Kung fu Panda, for all those of you struggling with questions of what, where and how to steer your career.

Lesson # 1: If you want something badly enough, you get it somehow.

Po the panda wanted to be a kung-fu warrior really really badly. He followed every kung fu teacher, every battle, every hero there ever was. The chap was a walking Kung Fu Encyclopedia!

And of course, he dreamt about kung fu too.

Ask yourself - do you care something in your life that strongly? If you do - it will be yours one day.

Lesson # 2: It could take a while but you'll get there.

So if you believe Lesson # 1 the question is 'how'? Now sometimes you may get there the straight and easy way. The way to be a kung fu warrior is to train under a great Master, right?

Well, Po got the job another way. He bumbled and tumbled up the mountain and finally literally 'dropped in from the sky'. Master Oogway then pronounced:"He is the one, the great Dragon Warrior". To everybody's surprise!

In real life there aren't enough Oogways who can see a diamond in the coal; a kung fu champion in a blubbering mass of fat.

But how many of you have struggled like the panda to even get to that mountain top where there may be a Master waiting for you?

Lesson # 3: 'A peach tree will blossom into a peach tree. It can't become an apple tree...' - Master Oogway

Why many of us come to grief is we don't know 'who we are'. Are we a peach tree, or a jasmine tree or a cactus? Every one of those is beautiful and useful in its own way. No one is 'superior' to the other.

Yet in life many of us believe that we must all be peach trees. ie MBAs and engineers. The aroma of the jasmine is lost to the world and all we have is peach, peach and more peach (fruity burp!).

Lesson # 4: 'There are no accidents in life...' - Master Shifu

Yup, the fact that you did not make it to IIT or IIM or with that cute chick on the second floor. This was the way it was meant to be.

Think about Steve Jobs being forced to exit his own company in 1985. He went through hell but was forced to think of new ideas, new directions. It led to the creation of Pixar and a whole new kind of animation.

And ultimately, he went back to Apple with iTunes and iPod.

Could he have done all this had he never left Apple? I don't know. But I think greatness is born more out of adversity than in nice hot bathtubs.

Woh Archimedes wala funda bhi theek hai but you can't run naked in the streets anymore. By the time you dress up and get out into the world, you find josh chala gaya.

Lesson # 5: There is no secret ingredient in the secret ingredient soup.

And this is especially relevant at a time when we are all on the quest for the Holy Grail. We believe that joining the right college, the right course or the right company is the secret ingredient which will spice up our soup - our careers, our lives.

The truth is, it's all about what you believe. The moment you join an IIT or an IIM you start believing,"Hey I am really really good". You get the confidence to take on the world, the chutzpah to say,"The world is my oyster".

Clearing these super tough exams is like running a lawnmower through your own mental garden. It crushes the weeds of self doubt and self pity which we've allowed to grow.

Exam or no exam, you can choose to yank out those weeds. Then look the guys who think they know better in the eye and declare,"My soup is as kick-ass as yours."

Lastly, words of wisdom from Master Oogway which apply not just to careers, but any and every walk of life: 'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery... today is a gift'.

Have you at least undone the wrapping paper of this brand new, beautiful moment? Right here, right now, today??

P.G. Wodehouse: Jeeves in the Offing - Goofiness in the Opposite Sex

Saturday, July 26, 2008
In Chapter 3, while Bertie Wooster is hunting for Bobbie Wickham at her aunt Dahlia Traver's house:

"One learns, as one goes through life, to spot goofiness in the other sex with an unerring eye, and this exhibit had a sort of mild, Soul's Awakening kind of expression which made it abundantly clear that, while not a super-goof like some of the female goofs I'd met, she was quite goofy enough to be going on with."


You don't have to buy from anyone.
You don't have to work at any particular job.
You don't have to participate in any given relationship.
You can choose.

You alone steer the course you choose
in the direction of where you want to be today,
tomorrow or in any distant time to come.
You hold the tiller.

You can decide to alter the course of your life at any time.
No one can ever take that away from you.
You can decide what you want and go after it.
It's always your next move.

Beyond the Work-Life Balance: Living through the Success Elements™

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Much has been written about finding a harmonious balance between work and life, and this article does not intend to discredit any of it. It is essential to strike a balance between the professional and personal. True success is multidimensional, and if you focus exclusively on work your personal life suffers, and vice versa. Limiting your perspective of success to the two dimensions of work and personal life can lead to a lack of balance within both professional and personal success. To separate life and work into disparate entities misses the point of true success.

The Success Elements™

There are elements of success that are the building blocks of professional and personal life. The Success Elements™ principle is founded on the four elements of Health, Wealth, Wisdom, and Relationships. By achieving balance in all of the Success Elements™, you can be assured that your success will transcend both your work life and personal life.

Applying the Success Elements™

The application of the Success Elements™ in your personal life is easy to see. If you focus on Wealth too heavily, your family life will suffer. If you neglect your Health, all other areas of life will suffer. Even focusing on Relationships too much—which on the surface seems laudable—can disrupt everything else.

So now that we have established that the Success Elements™ are applicable to your personal life, what about business?


Good Health benefits more than your personal life. In business, success in Health will lead to fewer sick days, less burnout, increased focus, greater profitability, and more energy. Health can also lead to a longer and more fruitful career.


This has the most obvious application in professional life and needs little explanation. As long as you realize that exclusive focus on any one Success Element™ can be disastrous, pursuing Wealth is good. Pursuing Wealth, though, does not imply that money is everything. Wealth is about complementing the pursuit of excellence in the other Success Elements™.


The Wisdom element can have tremendous impact on your business life. The modern economy rewards innovation and flexibility, and Wisdom is about the continuous pursuit of knowledge and insight. You should seek to constantly expand the horizon of your skill sets, as this will assist you in reaching your professional dreams.


At first glance, many think that Relationships only applies to friends and family. But Relationships also applies to your supervisor, subordinates, colleagues, mentors, customers, and community. It is essential for business success to develop strong relationships with everyone in your professional circle. Seek to add value to everyone in your network.

And by all means, do not forget to build a network!

The unique aspect of the Success Elements™ is that they transcend the individual and can be applied corporately. A company cannot afford to neglect any of the Success Elements™. Each element has a place in the business world, and balance among the Success Elements™ is just as essential for companies as it is for individuals.

So ask yourself, is there balance in your life—in all areas of your life?

Triumph Over The Manager From Hell

Whether your manager is unreasonably demanding or they are apparently incompetent or they have no people skills, it can feel like you’re working with the manager from hell! As tough as it sounds, your task is to focus on getting your job done…period.

The important concept to remember is that you have total responsibility and authority for your response in the situation. Once you fully understand your power to choose, you can be clear and comfortable making the best decision for your work environment.

Here are a few other things to remember:

No one can make you look incompetent or foolish or feel bad without your permission.

You allow yourself to look incompetent or foolish or to feel bad. One of my “from hell” managers would burst into shouting and flailing his arms. Once he finished throwing his tantrum (and without responding to his outburst), I would calmly recommend the next course of action to
move the situation to resolution. Just because he was out of control didn’t mean I have to be.

You’re not the only one who understands you’re working with the manager from hell.

I discovered that everyone recognized the same not-so-wonderful incompetence in that manager that I did. More importantly, I was able to observe their interactions to determine what worked well and what did not. It doesn’t mean I gossiped about the situation or the manager with my co-workers. Instead, I listened and learned from their encounters.

The behavior of the manager from hell is not a reflection of your professionalism.

In the case of the tantrum-throwing manager, he was the one who appeared foolish and incompetent – not me. Your challenge is to perform despite their lack of professionalism. You have a true opening to practice your skill as a communicator, facilitator, problem-solver and leader. Yours in an excellent opportunity to showcase your composure, competence and capability.

Your behavior IS a reflection of your professionalism.

In fact, you have a responsibility to set an example of genuine professionalism. Seek out the support you need to prevent the situation from festering inside of you. Exercise, take time out for yourself and enjoy your life away from the job. In this way, you’re balancing the scales and preparing yourself at every turn for the difficulty of facing this manager day in and day out.

The bottom line is that everyone isn’t cut out to be a manager. Unfortunately, you cannot always choose your manager or your work environment. However, you can begin to triumph over the manager from hell…it IS possible when you recognize and embrace your power to make it happen!

Cause and effect.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
One of the most refreshing laws nature has to offer.


Because if you want a certain effect, just look for the cause(s) and implement accordingly.

Cause and effect.

It strips everything down and makes the big picture a whole lot clearer.

Things We Can Learn from the Italian Stallion - Part III

At the end of Rocky II Rocky wins the title of heavyweight champion. He is now very wealthy and defends his title 10 times. In the beginning of Rocky III a real contender wants a piece of Rocky Balboa. His name…Clubber Lang.

Stay Hungry

Rocky has been living the good life for some years now beating up on has-beens and raking in the cash. When Clubber Lang comes along Rocky is not ready. While Clubber was training to win, Rocky had his training sessions at a hotel taking pictures with fans, selling merchandise. Doing everything, but training. Rocky was not hungry. He was the champ, what can stop him. Well, Clubber Lang stopped him. Rocky was not prepared and lost badly.

As consultants we always need to be prepared. Every initiative we work on is different. Just because we may have broad experience and a history of success we need to stay hungry. Think of your next project as Clubber Lang. Always remember to be prepared and have the eye of the tiger!

Don't be afraid of Change

After Rocky's loss to Clubber Lang, the great manager, Mickey Goldmill, died of a heart attack. In a bizarre turn of events Rocky went to train with his old rival Apollo Creed to take another stab at Clubber. In the first bought Apollo noticed how slow Rocky was and that he needed some quickness to avoid the thundering blows from Clubber. Apollo had Rocky focus on techniques that helped him move his feet. Initially Rocky was clumsy and struggling through these techniques. He was obviously frustrated. To try and motivate Rocky, Apollo tells him "it takes a real man to change." That was one piece that helped Rocky excel to another level and eventually defeat Clubber Lang.

My new saying now is "It takes a real man to change." I have said before we have to continuously learn and adapt to tackle the next project or situation. Yes it will be frustrating at times, but the rewards are huge. Don't be afraid to makes mistakes. Those are the best learning opportunities. And don't just talk with people that approach things like you do. Find people who have a different style or take an alternative approach to situations.

Things We Can Learn from the Italian Stallion - Part II

In case you are not as familiar with the Rocky movies as I am, here is a little recap of what happens at the end of Rocky. Rocky goes 15 rounds with Apollo Creed. Rocky's right eye is badly damaged and the peripheral vision in that eye is all but gone. At the end of the fight both Rocky and Apollo say there will not be a rematch.

Now on to Rocky II where we learn some important lessons about checking our egos at the door and never saying never.


Since Apollo was supposed to finish off Rocky in 3 rounds in their first fight, Apollo was getting abused in the media and receiving a ton of hate mail. Basically calling him a joke, washed up, etc. Apollo then started calling for a rematch with Rocky. Even though his trainers, managers, and family all thought it was a bad idea he kept pressing for a rematch. He wanted this rematch because of his ego not because it was the right thing to do.

Sometimes we need to leave our egos at the "door" when working on projects. The project is not about us. Our goal is to do what is right for the project. If your mindset is focused on the project needs, the project will be a success and you will get recognition. Remember, it is not what the project can do for you, but what you can do for the project!

"There ain't no Can'ts"

A great line from the great manager Mickey Goldmill. Apollo pushed and pushed until Rocky and Mick finally agreed to the rematch. The problem was that Rocky's eye was so bad that he could not fight as Southpaw. Since his peripheral vision was so poor he would never see punches coming from Apollo until they were right on his face. So Mick was pushing Rocky to become a right-handed fighter. After a number of times with Rocky saying "I can't do it Mick", Mick yells back "there ain't no can'ts."

Every situation we encounter in life is slightly different. The project characteristics are different, the people we work with are different. We can not use the same techniques on every project we are on. Always try to learn new techniques and skills and never say "I can't do it Mick."

Things We Can Learn from the Italian Stallion - Part I

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Things We Can Learn from the Italian Stallion - Part I

OK, I'm coming clean. My all time favorite movie is Rocky, Rocky II, Rocky II, Rocky IV, Rocky V, and Rocky Balboa. Every now and then I watch one of the movies and never get tired of the scenes of Rocky training or battling the next opponent in the ring. But, there is more to the Rocky movies than just boxing. There are lessons we can all learn from Rocky Balboa. I decided to dedicate the next set of blog posts to the greatest boxer to ever live!

Go ahead and launch the Rocky Theme Song while you read!


As part of our personal and career development we should all find mentors and be a mentor for someone else. There are many benfits to being a mentor including working on your listening and leadership skills. Being a mentee will allow you to learn valuable lessons from someone who has priceless experience and has been where you have at this point in your career.

Throughout the Rocky movie the concept of mentorship kept popping out to me. There is a scene where Little Marie is hanging out with some older boys on the street corner and Rocky pulls her away and walks her home. During the walk home he is trying to give her advice about life and how the people she associates herself with will influence who she is as she grows up. As Little Marie is walking into her house she turns and says to Rocky. "Screw you creepo!" As Rocky walks away he mumbles, "Yeah, who am I to give advice." Don't think you can't be a mentor. You have expereinces that can help others. Little marie ends up thanking him later.

Later in the movie after Rocky decides to fight Apollo Creed he does not accept help from anyone to help train and prepare for the fight. Finally he comes around and gets Mickey to be his trainer and even gets Paulie involved. In the end he is prepared for battle. We all need mentors, we can all learn from others that have experienced things we have not. Do not be ashamed to use a mentor. You do not have to do this alone.

Also, check out this site for mentoring tips. http://www.mentoringgroup.com/

Celebrating the 2-year journey of hope, pain & fun

Sunday, July 06, 2008
Hello Party Ppl,

Kitni shiddat se humne life mein peace maarne ki kosish ki hai .. per har manager ne hamare khilaaf saajish ki hai......
Kehte hain kisi deliverable ko agar dil se QC karo to saari kayanath usme error daalne ki koshish me lag jaati hai....

Aaj aapki wajah se main yahan 2 saal poore kar paya... Thank you very much.. and I feel like I am the king of the world.....
Aaj mujhe yakin hogaya dosto, ki hamari zindagi bhi hamare hindi filmon ke jaisi hi hai... jaha pe end mein sab kuch theek ho jaata hai.. "Happies Endings".. Lekin agar End mein sab kuch theek na ho to woh the end nahi hain dosto.. Picture abhi baaki hai....mere dost !!

Let's celebrate this with a gathering tonight.

Kiwa lounge @ Koregaon Park. from 7:30 onwards.

Innovation Workouts - Rekindle the Grey Matter

Saturday, July 05, 2008
We all appreciate and applaud Sachin Tendulkar’s brilliance and his records in all the forms of cricket. But we are unable to appreciate the hard work he has put in over the years in the nets. In the nets no runs are scored, but the net practice helps him score tons on the real battle field.

Similarly companies must allow its employees to have innovation workouts challenging them with an opportunity or a problem. Such workout may or may not yield immediate result but what it can definitely do is to help build the self confidence in the Ideation process. Such ideation can be done by individual employees in their own space and time. The result can be shared afterwards in a group workout. This will ensure that everyone gets a chance to think & present his own idea resulting into bountiful ideas.

Companies no more compete on products and services but on the grey matter sealed in their employees head and their inner voice to innovate.

My blog - splitting soon!

I think I have been blogging very haphazardly for quite a time. Though in past my friends and other visitors have given comments, both, online as well as offline, expressing their appreciation of the content of my blog, I feel the urge to get more focused on the choice of the topics of my blog postings.

Hence, I have decided very soon I am going to separate my blog articles to differentiate personal/general postings from other creative postings. In this regard, I would like to receive some thoughts from the visitors. Please feel free to drop your comments!


Don't worry, be happy!


Career lessons from Bunty Aur Babli

Friday, July 04, 2008
"apki naukri mein na izzat hai, na mazaa hai aur na matlab" (Your job has neither respect nor fun nor meaning)," declares the new tall, angry young man. (Dialogue from BUNTY AUR BABLI)

Whatever its storytelling flaws, this is one sentiment the scriptwriter has identified perfectly.

Izzat (Respectability) x Mazaa (Fun) x Matlab (Meaning) = Career Satisfaction. Apply it to just about any industry or profession. And it works!

All mazaa, no izzat:

Take BPOs, which are worried about employee attrition. These companies provide young graduates with the best of everything -- money, work environment, career growth. Even fun, in the form of special allowances, movies and parties.

The mazaa angle is, thus, well taken care of. But what about izzat?

'I work at a call centre., that statement will not really impress your girlfriend's father.

At the end of the day, the job essentially lacks matlab. You work for one company but answer calls for another. There is no shared vision or mission beyond answering the next call. What you do never really seems to make a 'difference'. In the Izzat x Mazaa x Matlab equation, there is only one variable the young person can control. And hence s/he hops from job to job in search of more mazaa (money).

Izzat and mazaa, but no matlab?:

On the other hand, IT, which mainly employs young engineers, has a better chance of retaining its employees. Not only do they provide decent starting salaries/ fabulous campuses, there is the additional mazaa angle of being sent abroad to work within a couple of years of joining.

Plus, saying you work for Infosys, Wipro or Cognizant Technologies receives a respectful nod from peers and parents.

The reason many still quit IT is the matlab angle. Those who equate coding work with being a cybercoolie often choose to go abroad for further studies or try an MBA.

Not that life after the MBA may offer any more in terms of matlab, but having the IIM or Bajaj tag adds to izzat value. And if you are lucky enough to be placed on Day 0 or Day 1, the mazaa factor is multiplied as well.

The quest for matlab:

The relative importance of these three factors -- izzat, mazaa and matlab -- varies from person to person.

Matlab, in fact, is the most personal variable. Some of us can happily buy into the mission statements of the companies we work for. We can find personal meaning by reaching our goals and targets as well as be a tough but fair boss/ employee/ coworker and a loyal and loving spouse/ parent/ friend.

But to others, 'meaning' comes from doing what you are passionate about, something you really care for. This definition of matlab is often swept under the carpet at an early age when we follow the herd towards the engineering/ medicine/ MBA degrees we never really wanted (but were assured was the only way to go).

If you are a young doctor, often, it is only the matlab factor that keeps you going. Given the salaries and working conditions at public hospitals, the mazaa factor is extremely low. And given the commercialism that has crept into the profession, izzat -- although still high -- is on the decline.

On the other hand, professions like modeling and acting which, a couple of decades ago, commanded no izzat, are now seen with awe. The only problem is, there is an additional variable in the equation: risk.

This risk varies from 0 (absolute flop) to 1 (making it big).

Izzat x Matlab x Mazaa divided by Risk could mean you become a Priyanka Chopra or one of the millions of aspirants who never makes it beyond the casting couch.

The same applies to other creative and thode glamorous professions, like copywriting, filmmaking, dance, music and art. But if you really have the talent and belief in yourself, the risk is worth taking.

The trick, really, is figuring out your own personal equation; instead of living by what you saw scrawled on the Blackboard of Life by people before you.

Because two equations could be completely different, yet add up to that mythical '42'.

The answer to life, the universe and everything that makes you truly happy.


Thursday, July 03, 2008
There was an old marketing campaign for a famous chips company that
went something like this:

"Betcha can't eat just one."

A lot of people could easily identify with that slogan because once
that first chip goes in your mouth, it's very hard to resist all the others
that follow it.

When it comes to temptations, it's better in the long run to exercise
self control to suppress that first desire, than to lose yourself in
satisfying all the rest that follow it.


Benefits of Failure & Importance of Imagination

Tuesday, July 01, 2008
The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination
J.K. Rowling


- Achievable goals: the first step towards personal improvement.

- "Half my lifetime ago, I was striking an uneasy balance between the ambition I had for myself, and what those closest to me expected of me."

- Poverty entails fear, and stress, and sometimes depression; it means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships. Climbing out of poverty by your own efforts, that is indeed something on which to pride yourself, but poverty itself is romanticised only by fools.

- What I feared most for myself at your age was not poverty, but failure.

- "Talent and intelligence never yet inoculated anyone against the caprice of the Fates, and I do not for a moment suppose that everyone here has enjoyed an existence of unruffled privilege and contentment."

"...failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. Had I really succeeded at anything else, I might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena I believed I truly belonged. I was set free, because my greatest fear had already been realised, and I was still alive..."

- You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default

- The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive. You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity. Such knowledge is a true gift, for all that it is painfully won, and it has been worth more to me than any qualification I ever earned.

- Life is difficult, and complicated, and beyond anyone's total control, and the humility to know that will enable you to survive its vicissitudes.

- In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it (Imagination) is the power that enables us to empathise with humans whose experiences we have never shared.

- We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.